Ruhi Children’s Class

Here are the Google Slides for Ruhi children’s classes. They will help you to do your children’s classes virtually or in person. Each slide gives you an outline of how to run your class which includes prayer, prayer memorization, music, quotes, quote memorization, and activities. They are designed to be used along with the Ruhi children’s class materials.

Bahai Ideas Logo Dark blue ninepointed star with a light blue B with a blue I making up the straight side of the letter B.

Here are some Google Slides that can be used for your children’s classes. They are designed to be used along with the Ruhi Book 3 Children’s Classes Grade 1 and 2.

Grade One Slides

Here are some Google Slides that can be used for your children’s classes. They are designed to be used along with the Ruhi Book 3 Children’s Classes Grade 1.

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)


Here is a customizable certificate that you can edit and present to your children’s class participants when they have completed grade one. 

Click on the photo to edit yours today. 

Children's Class Certificate. Congratualtions (name of Student). This is to certify that the above mentioned person has completed all 24 lessons of the Ruhi children's class materials grade one

Grade Two Slides

Here are some Google Slides that can be used for your children’s classes. They are designed to be used along with the Ruhi Book 3 Children’s Classes Grade 2.

Ruhi Book 3 Grade 2

Maintaining a Prayerful Attitude

Below we have slides for all of Grade 2 which have been created by Corbin Doak for Baha’i Ideas. 

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Ruhi Book 3 Grade 2

Adhering to the Laws of God

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Ruhi Book 3 Grade 2

Seeking Knowledge

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Ruhi Book 3 Grade 2

Living in Harmony with Others

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Ruhi Book 3 Grade 2

Being a Good Friend

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Ruhi Book 3 Grade 2

Devoting One’s Life to Service

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Ruhi Book 3 Grade 2

Engaging in Consultation

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)

Memorization pictures (PDF file)


Here is a customizable certificate that you can edit and present to your children’s class participants when they have completed grade two. 

Click on the photo to edit yours today.

Children's Class Certificate. Congratualtions (name of Student). This is to certify that the above mentioned person has completed all 24 lessons of the Ruhi children's class materials grade two