Interactive Slides
Our professionally designed interactive slides using Google Slides combine aesthetic appeal with engaging functionality. Each slide is thoughtfully crafted to capture attention and convey information effectively. Some of our slides have interactive elements such as clickable buttons, embedded videos, and animated transitions. This provides an immersive experience for viewers. We have slides you can use for your next devotional, deepening, Holy Day, and more.


Remembrances of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá
Remembrances of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá by Aziz Yazdi is a program that focuses on a video that was recorded in the Hawaiian Islands of Aziz Yazdi recounting stories about ʻAbdu’l-Bahá. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Stories of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá
Stories of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá by Aziz Yazdi is a program that has six short stories about ʻAbdu’l-Bahá with time for discussion after each one. There is also music and a place for offering devotions. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

ʻAbdu’l-Bahá The Center of the Covenant
A selection of short videos, music, and quotations about the station of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

ʻAbdu’l-Bahá Travels in the West
Four videos about his travels in the West three of them about his travels in the USA and one about his travels in Canada put along with some quotes. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Luminous Journey Film Part 1
America was alive with the promise of great change in 1912 when ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the son of the Founder of the Bahá’í Faith, Bahá’u’lláh, traveled across the United States and into Canada. He came with a message of universal peace, the unity of East and West, racial harmony, gender equality, and a visionary view of America’s future, captivating all strata of American society. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Luminous Journey Film Part 2
America was alive with the promise of great change in 1912 when ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the son of the Founder of the Bahá’í Faith, Bahá’u’lláh, traveled across the United States and into Canada. He came with a message of universal peace, the unity of East and West, racial harmony, gender equality, and a visionary view of America’s future, captivating all strata of American society. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, A Talk at Church of the Ascension Fifth Avenue and Tenth Street – New York
Listen to a reading of the notes taken by Esther Foster about a talk given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá while he was on his travels to the West. The program also has music and a place for devotions. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá the Exemplar
This program includes music selections and a talk by Dr. Vahid Rafati. Taken from the Grand Canyon Baha’i Conference back in December 2012. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Three Public Talks of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
This program includes music selections and three public talks of `Abdu’l-Baha. They include “The History of the Baha’i Revelation”, “Until Woman and Man Realize Equality Progress is Not Possible”, and “The Day Has Come” As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá Historic Moments – a Dramatic Presentation
This program includes music selections and a dramatic presentation that was done at the Second Baha’i World Congress in the City of the Covenant, New York City, back in 1992. It includes stories from the following people; Louis George Gregory, Howard MacNutt, Juliet Thompson, and Lua Getsinger. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Knights of the Covenant
This program includes music selections and a beautifully produced video by Saeed Foroughi about the interactions of Juliet Thompson, Lua Getsinger, and May Maxwell with `Abdu’l-Baha, accompanied by Saeed Forough on Santoor. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The Life and Work of `Abdu’l-Baha
This program includes music selections and a talk – the first in a sequence of seven on this subject -was given at Northern Ireland Bahá’í Summer School in 1990 by Betty Reed. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Stories with the Master
This program includes music selections and a segment of the video of the Second Baha’i World Congress in New Your City, 1992. In this segment, we hear from people who had the bounty of meeting `Abdu’l-Baha. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Public Talks by `Abdu’l-Baha
This program includes music selections and three public talks of `Abdu’l-Baha. They include “Array Yourselves in the Perfection of Divine Virtues”, “Appearance of the Manifestations of God are the Divine Springtime”, and “The First Principle of the Divine Teachings is Love”. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Meeting `Abdu’l-Baha
This program includes music selections some quotes from Abdu’l-Baha and three short videos about `Abdu’l-Baha. It concludes with a guided meditation. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.
ʻAbdu’l-Bahá Tells Us

`Abdu’l-Baha Tells Us, “I want you to be happy” – Part One
This program is the first in a series. It includes music selections, a time for devotions, some quotes to have consultation on, and a video of a talk done by Tom Price. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

`Abdu’l-Baha Tells Us to, “see only the good in people” – Part two
This program is the second in a series. It includes music selections, a time for devotions, some quotes to have consultation on, and a video of a talk done by Tom Price. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

`Abdu’l-Baha Tells Us “to live in unity” – Part three
This program is the third in a series. It includes music selections, a time for devotions, some quotes to have consultation on, and a video of a talk done by Tom Price. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

`Abdu’l-Baha Tells Us “how to teach” – Part four
This program is the fourth in a series. It includes music selections, a time for devotions, some quotes to have consultation on, and a video of a talk done by Tom Price. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.
Hands of the Cause of God

Hands of the Cause of God – Part One
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and information about the Hands of the Cause of God that were appointed by Baháʼu’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. There is also the video, “Hands of the Cause of God – Volume 1: The Heroic Age through 1951” As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Hands of the Cause of God – Part Two
This program has music selections, a place for devotions and information about the Hands of the Cause of God that were appointed by Shoghi Effendi. There is also the video, Hands of the Cause of God – Volume 2: The Institution of the Hands of the Cause of God. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Imprisoned for Her Religious Belief – Women in Iran
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and information about Mahvash Sabet and Fariba Kamalabadi two women that have been in and out of prison in Iran for being members of the Baha’i Faith. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

How the Power of Music Heals Racism
This program has music selections, a place for devotion, and information about how music has tried to heal racism throughout history. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The Root of Racial Injustice
This program has music selections, a place for devotion, and two videos. “Let’s get to the root of racial injustice”| Megan Ming Francis | TEDxRainier. and “What I am learning from my white grandchildren” – truths about race | Anthony Peterson | TEDxAntioch. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

White Fragility & Recognizing Privilege
This program has a place for devotion and some quotes about race. It also has two videos, Robin DiAngelo on “White Fragility” – EXTENDED CONVERSATION | Amanpour and Company and Recognizing Privilege: Power to All People | Michael Yates | TEDxTexasStateUniversity. There are also some discussion questions. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The Race Unity Project
This program used seven short videos from the Race Unity Project. Between each video, there is a quote and a discussion time. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Fixing Racism
This program looks at 3 ways the Baha’i Writings address racism. There is also a Ted X video “The cure for racism | Napoleon Wells | TEDxColumbiaSC. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Abandonment of All Forms of Prejudice
This program has music selections, quotes, and multiple videos on prejudice and how to abandon it. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

A Day of Service
This program has music selections, a place for devotion, and four videos about service. It also has quotes about offering service and places for reflection and discussion. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Service to Others – Purpose
This program has music selections, a place for devotion, and quotes on service from nine different religions. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

This program looks at detachment from six of the major world religions. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Meditation – Love
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and three quotes on love, with time to meditate on them. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Meditation – Happiness
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and three quotes on happiness, with time to meditate on them. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Meditation – Detachment
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and three quotes on detachment, with time to meditate on them. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes and videos that look at the topic of strength from four different religions. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes and videos from three different religions on the topic of Prayer. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Love – An Elevated Discussion
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes and videos about the topic of Love. This subject is looked at from the perspective of four different religions. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Continental Baháʼí Houses of Worship
This program has some general information about the purpose of the Baha’i House of Worship and showcases each of the nine Continental Houses of Worship with images, maps, and video.

Baháʼí Administration and Elections
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and some videos and writings that introduce the current Baha’i Administrative order.

Living a Spiritual Life
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and writings from five different religions on the topic of living a spiritual life. There is also a video, “You Can Eat Your Cake And Have Enlightenment Too” | Anna Gatmon | TEDxWilmingtonWomen

The Legacy of the 20th Century The Oneness of the World
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and two videos about the Baha’i World view and spaces to discuss. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Pilgrimage of the World Religions
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and videos on 4 different religious pilgrimages. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

What is the Baha’i Faith
This program has a short introduction to the Baha’i faith and videos on why two celebrities became Baha’is. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.
Holy Days

The First Day of Ridvan Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the First Day or Ridvan. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The Ninth Day of Ridvan Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the Ninth Day or Ridvan. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The 12th Day of Ridvan Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the Twelfth Day or Ridvan. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Naw-Ruz Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to Naw-Ruz, the Baha’i New Year. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The Birth of Baháʼu’lláh Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the Birth of Baháʼu’lláh. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The Ascension of Baháʼu’lláh Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the Ascension of Baháʼu’lláh. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The Birth of the Báb Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the Birth of the Báb. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The Declaration of the Báb Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the Declaration of the Báb. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Martyrdom of the Báb Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the Martyrdom of the Báb. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Day of the Covenant Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the Day of the Covenant. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

The Ascension of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá Program
This program has music selections, a place for devotions, and quotes related to the Ascension of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.

Here is a virtual Ayyám-i-Há Party that you can have with your community. It has a Google slide and PDF file. The slide has some songs, games, and dance parties. The PDF has some questions needed for one of the games. I hope you enjoy your Ayyám-i-Há Celebration. As with all our slides, the exact content can be changed if you want.
Interactive Games

Baha’i Election Deepening Game
This is an interactive game that helps community members deepen on the Baha’i Election.

History of the Bab Game
This is an interactive game that helps community members deepen on the life of the Bab.