
Here you will find information and videos on how to use some tools for virtual Baha’i activities. And for editing our fliers. We know that trying something new can be daunting at times and these materials have been created to help you along in this process.

Bahai Ideas Logo Dark blue ninepointed star with a light blue B with a blue I making up the straight side of the letter B.

Google Account

In order to use our sites resources you need to have a Google account.  The reason for this is that we use the free Google apps to create our tools. This makes it so everyone can use them without having to have a program like PowerPoint or Microsoft Word. This gives access to the most amount of people as possible.  Having a Google account is free and easy to set up. If you don’t have one and would like to see how to set one up please watch the video below.

Virtual Meeting Platforms

There are many virtual meeting platforms available out there but I am only listing two of them here. I have chosen these because of their wide use and because most of my resources utilize Google apps.  The Google Slides that are available on can be used with either platform. 


Zoom is a desktop-based app that makes having virtual meetings a lot easier. It is designed for video conferencing for up to 1000 participants. The free version of Zoom allows for up to 100 participants per meeting room.

You can also video chat or just use computer audio for voice chat. You can easily share your computer screen or portion of your screen with anyone. You can have one on one video conferences. You can also use a virtual whiteboard to teach or demonstrate a point. Zoom does not run on the website. You do have to download the app and install it on your Mac or PC. You also must use the Mac or PC versions to share your computer audio when sharing videos.

There is also an iOS and Android app you can download for your phone. If you are planning on hosting a meeting however I would recommend using the PC version as it has more features. To get the apps for your mobile device please click the buttons below.


Free account has a 40 min time limit for hosting a meeting and you can’t call in over the phone for those who do not have access to a computer.


For the paid version you will have the ability to have people call into the meetings. Also for those of you who are teachers and have a school email, you will not have the 40 minute time limit for the free account but will not have the ablility to have people call in.

How to use Zoom

Google Meet

Google Meet, also known as Google Hangouts Meet, is built to let dozens of people join the same virtual meeting and speak or share videos with each other from anywhere with internet access.

It’s meant for use by businesses and other organizations, and it’s a great way for colleagues who don’t work in the same building to communicate.

A Google Meet organizer can share whatever is on their screen with everyone on a call, and any participant can turn their own audio and/or video feed off at any time, participating however they want.

Meet offers features not seen in Hangouts, like real-time captions and support for up to 250 participants and 100,000 live-stream viewers.

Hi everyone. Meet now has a built-in “Present a Chrome Tab” option. When you use this feature with video content playing, everyone in the meeting will see and hear the video and audio being shared.

You can also switch between tabs while presenting.

This feature should be available in Meet meetings now.

To use this option, click the Present button, then select the Chrome Tab option


You need to have a Google account to use it.


Now it is free for everyone. There is no app or program to install for computer use. Google Meet can be used directly from your Gmail account.

How to use Google Meet

Google Slides

I have chosen to use Google Slides to create and share my Feast and Devotional Programs because it is free for anyone to use as long as you have a Gmail account which is also free to create.  The slides are ready to go as they are but if you would like to make changes to them you are more than welcome to make changes to the copy you created when you clicked on the link to open the slide you chose.   Below are some videos to teach you how to present your slide and how to create or edit a Google slide document.

How to present your slide.

Google Slides 101

How to add video clips in Google Slides

How to use our resources

Hey there everyone, I wanted to post some quick videos on how to use our resources. I hope these short tutorials are useful. 

How to use our slides in Zoom

If you don’t know how to use our slides in your Zoom meeting please watch the video to the right. In this video you will learn the following:

  • How to get the slide from our site
  • How to share your screen
  • How to share your sound

How to use our slides in Google Meet

If you don’t know how to use our slides in your Google Meet meeting please watch the video to the right. In this video you will learn the following:

  • How to get the slide from our site
  • How to share your screen
  • How to share your sound

How to host a children’s class virtually

If you don’t know how to use our slides to host your children’s class virtually, please watch the video to the right. In this video you will learn the following:

  • How to host on Zoom
  • How to present a Google Slide
  • How to use the annotation feature on Zoom for coloring

How to personalize a slide from our site

If you don’t know how to personalize or make changes to a Google Slide presentation, please watch the video to the right. In this video you will learn the following:

  • How to get a slide presentation from our site
  • How to make changes to it
  • How to access it from your Google Drive

How to edit a flier from our site

If you don’t know how to edit a flier for your personal use, please watch the video to the right. In this video you will learn the following:

  • How to get a flier from our site
  • How to make changes to it
  • How to download it for your use